Wednesday, 13 April 2011

App Review - Dog Whistler

DogBuzz is a dog whistler application for android phone. This application has been developed based on ultra sound theory. We cannot guarantee its effectiveness but the app will let you choose different ultra sound frequencies ranging from 12,000 Hz up to 44,000 Hz. Some say the suitable frequency is 20,000 Hz but we do not have any dog to give it a try, even in our neighborhood.

This app also depends on your speaker. We provide alternative frequency (High Pitch) which is actually audible to human hearing and it can be annoying. I've used it to get rid of certain people around me. This option has been tested and it did work. Ha...ha..

Choose any sound frequencies available from the listing and click on the Green Speaker button to start playing the frequency and a progress indication will appear on top of it. The player will play the sound continuously. You can adjust the speaker volume to get most out of it. To stop the player, click on the Red Speaker button and the progress indicator will disappear.

With this app, you can now shoot your neighbour's dog with your android phone but we shall not be held responsible for any consequence, ok. Consult your dog trainer.

You can also test on mosquito and other insects. Some say insects do react to sound frequency it you get it right. Some say it's rubbish because they do not have any ears... haha... funny. Well, it's up to you.

You can download your weapon here to start shooting. It's free.

Happy shooting,

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