Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Phone Tracker or Phone Locator App for Android

We have just released a paid app for Android. The app can act as phone tracker or locator. You can get the Phone Tracker app here.

With this tracker app, you can now track or locate your phone via SMS or web. To locate using web, you must register as Sentinel from our official site at

Once you have logged in, you can perform various task to your Android phone.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

SEN3 Application

We've just released a new paid app in Samsung store.
We called it Sen3. It can do the followings:-
1. Locate your phone by SMS
2. Detect SIM change
3. Perform remote control via web

To perform remote control, you have to register as a Sentinel at
The app is currently only available at Samsung Store here.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Phone Locator Version 3.3

We have just released phone locator app version 3.3 with some fixing.
Get it for free at Google Play here.

With the new version, the app can fetch faster location.